About Us

This practice was started by my father over 50 years ago after his Tour of Duty in Viet Nam

I joined his practice in 2003 after graduating from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and completing a Residency in Family Medicine here in Phoenix.  In a previous life, I graduated from Trinity College in Connecticut with a degree in English Literature. I had the privilege of working with my dad for 20 years before he retired in 2022.  

I use the word ‘privilege’ because there are things a doctor is just not taught in medical school and residency.  It’s been said that a physician will never know more than the day they finish training….and never less about how to apply this knowledge in the real world. 

It’s here where I probably owe my father tuition.  He taught me how to actually take care of someone…not just once….but over a lifetime.  To ask myself if the care, attention, and time I am giving to someone is at a level that I would want given to my Dad, Mom, or Sister.  And if I have fallen short of that ideal, to own it and do better.

Having been a doc for well over 2 decades now, there is a lot I’ve figured out, including the fact that medicine will humble you.  I have surrounded myself with good people.  My two Medical Assistants Lili and Irma have been with me for most of those 2 plus decades.  They are family (figuratively and literally….they are sisters).  And my dad still checks in on things each Friday. I have an excellent pool of Specialists that I refer to…specialists that I would, and have, sent family to. My patients see me and only me…no nurse practitioners or physicians assistants.  

As with most things, but in particular Medicine, it is never one size fits all.  I am sure that my practice will not be able to meet the expectations of every single patient out there.  This is a solo self-owned medical practice and we do have a particular way of doing things…not out of ego, but because through many years of trial and error we have found what works best for most people.  However, medicine changes quickly so we are always open to making adjustments if there is a better way of operating. 

The two parties that should care most about your health are your Doctor….and You.  Healthcare works best when this is an equal and shared responsibility.  Most of the chronic disease in this country does not come from random events or bad luck.  Americans are waking up to the fact that Big Food and Big Pharma prefer you sick….the profit is in illness, not health (just count how many times in a day you see ads for fast food or pharmaceutical products). It is amazing to have access to the diagnostic testing and treatment we have in the United States, but it is even better to not require them. I have come to believe that a focus on personal accountability and ownership when it comes to physical exercise, food choices, healthy weight, and preventative care give people the best shot a long, full, meaningful life. 

As is said in certain circles, No one is coming….it’s up to us.  

If anything you’ve read resonates with you, give us a try.

Schedule an Appointment Today

301 East Bethany Home Road Suite C172
Phoenix, Arizona 85012

Phone: 602 248 0224

Fax: 602 248 0235


Monday - Thursday

9AM to 4PM


9AM to 1PM

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